sábado, 30 de março de 2013

NEW Website Maintenance

Hanson.net will be down on Sunday, March 31st and Monday morning, April 1st, for scheduled site improvements.

FAN CLUB EXCLUSIVE Join Us At Back To The Island 2014 Only a Few Rooms Left!!!

It is a way’s away still, but it’s really amazing to think that next January (2014) we will be back in Jamaica doing our second Back To The Island event, joined by many of you. We put together a short video showing the awesome first year of the event, and we wanted to share it (hope you enjoy).
One of the things we are going to do differently next year, is to make each of the three concerts more unique. Three TOTALLY different shows. One show will feature the new album in its entirety which will be a blast. One will be focused on special Fan Club songs over the years, highlighting songs we rarely perform. and the lastly one show will be open for everybody that is attending to vote on the setlist.
We hope to see you in Jamaica next January!
– Isaac,Taylor and Zac

NEW From The Band

This Week
The album is DONE! After all the work that has been put into it, it feels really good to have the album finished and ready for the world to hear. The album will not be released until June, but as of today we are planning a Listening Party for the album as a part of HANSON Day. Any members who are joining us in Tulsa will be able to hear the new album top to tail Saturday MAY 4th. In addition to the Listening Party, we will also be doing a Walk in the afternoon Saturday. It has been too long since HANSON have hosted a walk. I know we are all ready to take off our shoes and feel the hot pavement between our toes. I think this will be our best Members Only Event to date.
Other than HANSON day we are planning and planning for the release of the New album. All the details will be released April 1st, so look out for them then. We will be releasing the details for the first leg of the World Tour, the new album will go on pre-sale, the first single will be coming out and the new music video will premiere. We will start by traveling around the US visiting radio stations as well as our plans for Members Only Events all around the world. T – 6 Days and counting.
Isaac, Taylor and Zac Hanson

HANSON DAY 2013 – Listening Party!

If you are not a Fan Club member, JOIN NOW

HANSON DAY 2013 – Walk at MOE!

HANSON will host a WALK on Saturday, May 4th, in Tulsa as part of the 2013 Members Only Event! Location: Downtown Tulsa, details TBD

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